

Glebe Farm School opened in September 2022 and will grow to its full capacity over five years in line with Milton Keynes City Council’s School Based Planning.

Milton Keynes City Council (MKCC) co-ordinate ALL applications for September starts at the school.  For more information, please visit the Milton Keynes City Council website at:

Our Published Admission Number (PAN) for our transition years are:

Year GroupsPlaces Available
EYFS 90 places
Year 7 180 places

Our Admissions Arrangements can be found here:

Admissions Arrangements 2024-5

Admissions Arrangements 2025 - 26 

Admissions Appeals

If you named Glebe Farm School as one of your preferences and were unsuccessful you may wish to appeal against this decision to an Independent Appeal Panel.  An appeal form can be requested by emailing us and attaching your school decline letter.  

Once received we will forward all forms necessary for the appeal.   On completion these should be returned via email  with any supporting evidence within the appropriate timescales.


In-year Admissions Arrangements for Entry to Glebe Farm School

As well as the transition to Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Year 7, applications can be made for students who wish to request an in-year transfer.  For the purpose of admissions, Glebe Farm School follows the guidance and regulations detailed in School Admission Code, published by the Department for Education.  As required under the School Admissions Code, the school subscribes to the Local Authority’s (LA) Fair Access Policy.

In year admissions are co-ordinated through the contacts below:

Year GroupsContacts
EYFS to Year 6Contact: Milton Keynes City Council
Years 7, 8 and 9Contact: Milton Keynes City Council

Parents should be aware that Glebe Farm School is oversubscribed in its transition years with more applicants than places available.  For in-year applications, where a year group is full, we operate a waiting list which lasts until the end of the academic year for which the application is made.  The waiting list will be ranked in accordance with the over-subscription criteria and length of time on the list will not be a factor in offering a place.  This means that children will move up and down the list as other children are added or removed.  Being on the waiting list does not guarantee a place at the school.  If you wish to keep your child on the waiting list for any subsequent academic year, you must re-apply.